
Why Girls Don’t Like Boys

Once again, this post will contain a lot of cursing and a lot of strong feelings and language because it’s a serious freaking issue.

Fair warning.

TW: Rape, Alcoholimage

I grew up thinking that I lived in a free country. One where everyone was equal and that we all have the same rights and it was okay to be who you are. Growing older, entering the real world you might say, has shown me that it is absolutely not that way at all. Especially for me, a young female who is still kind of on that whole rickety path of finding herself in this crazy fucked up male-dominated world.

I watched enough Law and Order: SVU with my dad to know that I should be careful when I go swing dancing with my friends on a Friday night. I’ve been told by my mom multiple times that I need to wear spandex under my dresses because you never know who’s going to be looking at you. I’ve been told by family members, male friends, and strangers on the street that I am “showing some skin”. And why is that so much of a fucking problem?

I’m not the problem, gentlemen. I shouldn’t have to cover myself up because you can’t control yourself. I shouldn’t have to keep my drink plastered to my hand all night because I should be wary of somebody drugging me just so they can get some action. I shouldn’t have to carry pepper spray around with me everywhere and I sure as hell shouldn’t have to constantly press my skirt down when I walk down the street to get coffee in the morning.

But yet, that’s how it is. THAT’S HOW IT IS. I’m living in this world where people are GLORIFYING FOOTBALL stars for their fucking horrific actions. They are blaming the victim of ruining their lives? Their futures? Their careers? Oh, I’m so sorry that taking advantage of an unconscious girl ruined YOUR life. Please, tell me how hard your fucking problems are, seeing as you gave this girl the fucking mental scarring strong enough to last her four lifetimes.

If you ever wonder why girls plaster “NO BOYS ALLOWED” on their super cool clubhouses, this is why. If you want to know why I rarely go to parties, this is why. If you want to know why I’m such a bitch to you when you’re catcalling me through my open window driving down the street, this is fucking why.

Because boys these days think it’s still abso-fucking-lutely okay to objectify women, use them as their own personal toys, and then get all fucking butt hurt about it when they’re called out about it.

What’s even crazier is that so many boys don’t even REALIZE they’re doing it. That’s how far ingrained into our brains this sick twisted culture is. I wore a skirt one day and a friend of mine said that I was “asking for it”. No?! NO. Stop right there. I was not asking anybody for anything. I may have asked someone to pass me the salt at dinner, if that’s what the “it” is referring to. . But me wearing a certain type of clothing is not me “asking” for anything. It most definitely is not an invitation for you or your genitals to frolic in mine. Because I’m pretty fucking sure that the only invitation for any type of genital frolicking to be had would be if both, let me repeat that, IF BOTH PARTIES, agree to said frolicking. I’m a thousand percent sure me wearing a skirt that day because it was warm is NOT a mass invitation for the world. 

Boys of the world, take note: women have the right to do whatever they fucking want and to be honest, you don’t have a right to fucking comment on it unless it’s physically or mentally hurting you in any shape or form. 

I heard a saying once that girls rule and boys drool. And considering that I heard that on an elementary school play ground…I find it absolutely pathetic that I’m seeing that it still holds true. 
